S. Burhanuddin has been coming in contact with music by the early age of twelve.
Having listened to the first record of Shakti (John Mclaughlin, Zakir Hussein, ...) he decided to learn to play guitar and within two years he formed a Guitar duo with Reno Wendschuh a well known guitarist in the area of Stuttgart. They performed together at various festivals like Cumulus festival of Jazz and Folk music in Stuttgart. Headliners for Hannes Wader in the Gruga Hallen in Essen Germany, among many others.
He studied 1 year at the Jazz & Rock school in Freiburg with various masters of guitar and sound design. Eventually through his strong interest in spirituality, music took finally the 2nd place in his life.
By the age of 28 his master called him back to music and told him to do music for the hearts of people. Two years later Fana has been found and emerged then into a dervishgroup with Mahmud Sabri from the world known Sabri Brothers.
Extensive tours through Europe like an evening in the Symphonie hall of Birmingham and other renown places took event in those years.
After Fana dissolved in the year 2008 accompanied by the traqic death of one member of the group he decided to concentrate rnore on composition and becominp a sound engineer.
2014 Dervish Orchestra has been founded and is currerrtly his main project and love.
- Fana Of what goes beyond
- Fana Muhabett Caravan Himma-Sufi-Ensemble
- Sufi Music for the Millennium Festival